
Writing Web Content - Use Persuasive Techniques - Make More Sales

Do you write for the web? Writing web content, such as: articles, blog posts, etc. in the hope of selling a product or service? Trying to get more sign-ups to your list?

Writing for the web, or writing web copy (most things you write are considered copy:) is a bit different than writing a novel or story, in that the whole reason for your piece is to entice some sort of action out of your reader.

Writing for publication online or on the web, you need to write to convince, persuade, and even compel the reader to action. The action you have placed before them!

Learning how to write for the web, and learn to be convincing with your writing and watch you CTR (click through rate) and your selling power increase.

The one most important part of a persuasive piece written for online is the title. Don't just throw up any old title, no, spend some time and do some keyword research and craft the best title you can. You want your title to grab the web surfers attention and pull them into the rest of your content. And you want your piece to show up in the serps (search engine results pages.)

Try to identify with your reader, and the problem that brought them to your written piece in the first place. Let them know you feel their pain, you have been in their shoes. You know where they are coming from.

Now tell them how your solution to the problem took all your pain away, and will take their pain away as well. You have done the research for them and found the perfect solution, and are offering it to them on a silver platter! Your product or service is just what they have been searching for...the light at the end of the tunnel, just what the doctor ordered, the answer to all of their get the picture!

Close with your call to action. This is almost as important as the title, so spend some time and craft a good call to action that will entice those click-throughs. Leave them wanting even more info from you, and tell them where they can get it...on the other side of your link. Writing for the web, write convincingly and increase your selling power!

When writing web content you owe it to yourself to learn to write persuasively. Get this right and you will get more of what you write for...clicks on your offering! 

Get your free report: Persuasive Article Writing and write less, but sell more.

Become a master persuader and make more sales, and money...Click Here.

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