
Make More Money Writing - How To Persuade Your Readers To Take Action

When you write something online what do you write for? Just to tell your readers a story, how your day went?

If you're anything like me when you write an article for online publication you want just one thing to happen...the reader to perform some kind of action. More action = more money from your writing!

This maybe a sale, a sign-up for your newsletter, or a visit to your website.

Regardless of what action you hope your reader will perform, if you write persuasively you'll get more readers to take that action. Write with persuasion and watch your CTR (click through rate) go up.

Writing persuasively is writing in a way that will appeal to the readers logic, but even more importantly appeal to his/her emotions.

WIIFM...What's In It For Me!

Readers are benefit driven...they always want to know what is in it for them. Your job as a persuasive writer is to tell them in no uncertain terms what you have for them, and how your solution is the answer they have been searching for.

A good way to start a persuasive piece is to tell a story, a story of how you have been in their shoes, you know how they can identify, you can feel their pain!

You could tell them how as you suffered just as they are you were able to see a light at the end of the tunnel, you found the solution...and that solution ended your pain, and will end their pain as well. The solution is of course you're offering.

When writing a persuasive article you should keep your writing clean, crisp, and free of any unneeded words or 'fluff'.

Your written words have power, the power to persuade, convince, and even compel your reader to take action.

Look at most any online sales page, or squeeze page to see most if not every persuasive technique used.

Although an article shouldn't attempt to be quite that persuasive, you still want to influence the readers, and get them to take action. The trick is to leave them wanting, or better still...needed to learn more about whatever you are offering them.

Writing persuasively is an art, but it is an art that is easy to learn and implement. Learn to write to persuade, convince, and compel your readers to take action...and watch your CTR go up!

Having articles with over a 50% CTR I feel qualified to help you get more of the action you desire as well.

Pick up your copy of the free report Writing Persuasively and let me help you get more leads, more sales...more action!

Want to make quick money online? Get your copy of the free report How To Make Money Writing Simple Little Reports.

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