
How To Write An Article - Article Structure

Why Write Articles In The First Place
Article writing has been one of the very best ways to get targeted traffic to a website. Articles (especially EzineArticles articles) are known to come up on page #1 of the serps (search engines results pages) with regularity.

Article marketing is also free...and that, only adds to it's popularity. The one drawback to article marketing as a way of generating traffic is the fact that it is labor intensive, but with a little practice, (and a firm grasp of the topic of your article) you could be putting out a high quality, original articles in record time!

So, how do you go about writing an article?

Well an article should be comprised of 5 distinct parts:

1. The heading, or title

2. The introduction

3. The article body

4. The article closing, or summary

5. And last (but for sure not least) the resource box, or authors bio

Lets take a closer look at the parts of an article, and how to compose them.

The Title, Or Heading

Let me ask you something...why are you reading this article? It's because of the title, that's why!The title of your article is generally considered the one most important part of your article, and therefore deserves your careful consideration.

The title of a piece is the first thing a prospect sees, and it needs to be keyword rich, and to the point. Not too long (although this gives you more keywords to target) and not too short, but just right. Take a look at the most read articles in your niche and craft your titles similarly.

Think of your reader, the questions they may have, now promise them the answers to those questions in your title, and be sure you deliver on those promises in the body of your piece.

It's important that you pay attention to spelling, and grammar throughout your article, but this is especially important in the title! You only have a few seconds to make that all-important first use that time well! No typos in the title...OK.

The Introduction

The introductory paragraph is an important aspect of the article. You should briefly tell what your article is about and pique your readers interest to draw them into the rest of your content.

Here are 4 ways of structuring your introduction:

1. Start with a question. Then answer the question in the body of the article.

2. Use an anecdote or example. Identify with your reader, tell them how you can feel their pain!

3. Use a bold or shocking statement. Then explain your position in the article body.

4. Start with your conclusion. Then explain how you came to that conclusion in your body.

The Article Body

The article body is the 'meat' of your article and should deliver on the promise of the title and introduction.

The body of your article should be concise and to the point, keep the subject and your reader in mind and don't ramble. Your article should flow easily from one point to the next.

Use bullet points/numbered lists and/or bolded subheadings to help break you copy up, and keep it interesting.

Keep your paragraphs short, and an easy read...don't try to impress the reader with your literary wit, or big words. Simple and to the point!

Remember, the body of your article is where you make the reader glad they kept reading, you deliver on your promise, and you leave them eager to follow the link to your offering, excited to find out more!

The Closing Or Article Summary

The summary or closing is where you sum it all up revisiting the main points you made in the body.

You should touch on the main benefits your article offers the reader, and how these benefits will enrich the readers lives.

You should be thinking about about your offering as well and begin leading the reader in that direction.

Your closing should be just a few sentences and should flow seamlessly into your offer in your resource box or authors bio.

The Resource Box Or Authors Bio

The resource box, or authors bio box is after the title the next most important part of your article.

This is your 'take' while the rest of your article is your 'give'. You want to 'take' the coveted click of the reader to your offering.

You can offer your articles biggest benefit...if they click-through to your offering. Or offer the answer to the most pressing question they may have on the other side of your link.

Your whole article has been leading up to this, so don't leave them hanging, tell them where to click, give the reader a clear call to action.

My Conclusion:)

Articles marketing is a very easy, and free way to get very targeted traffic to your website. You can become a known expert in your niche quickly through article writing.

There is however, one other very important aspect of writing a successful article that gets the click-through, and that is you need to write persuasively. You can persuade, convince and even compel the reader to take action, that action being a click on your offering!

For more information on writing your very best articles, pick-up a free copy of my report Persuasive Article Writing.

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