
How To Write An Article - Article Structure

Why Write Articles In The First Place
Article writing has been one of the very best ways to get targeted traffic to a website. Articles (especially EzineArticles articles) are known to come up on page #1 of the serps (search engines results pages) with regularity.

Article marketing is also free...and that, only adds to it's popularity. The one drawback to article marketing as a way of generating traffic is the fact that it is labor intensive, but with a little practice, (and a firm grasp of the topic of your article) you could be putting out a high quality, original articles in record time!

So, how do you go about writing an article?

Well an article should be comprised of 5 distinct parts:

1. The heading, or title

2. The introduction

3. The article body

4. The article closing, or summary

5. And last (but for sure not least) the resource box, or authors bio

Lets take a closer look at the parts of an article, and how to compose them.

The Title, Or Heading

Let me ask you something...why are you reading this article? It's because of the title, that's why!The title of your article is generally considered the one most important part of your article, and therefore deserves your careful consideration.

The title of a piece is the first thing a prospect sees, and it needs to be keyword rich, and to the point. Not too long (although this gives you more keywords to target) and not too short, but just right. Take a look at the most read articles in your niche and craft your titles similarly.

Think of your reader, the questions they may have, now promise them the answers to those questions in your title, and be sure you deliver on those promises in the body of your piece.

It's important that you pay attention to spelling, and grammar throughout your article, but this is especially important in the title! You only have a few seconds to make that all-important first use that time well! No typos in the title...OK.

The Introduction

The introductory paragraph is an important aspect of the article. You should briefly tell what your article is about and pique your readers interest to draw them into the rest of your content.

Here are 4 ways of structuring your introduction:

1. Start with a question. Then answer the question in the body of the article.

2. Use an anecdote or example. Identify with your reader, tell them how you can feel their pain!

3. Use a bold or shocking statement. Then explain your position in the article body.

4. Start with your conclusion. Then explain how you came to that conclusion in your body.

The Article Body

The article body is the 'meat' of your article and should deliver on the promise of the title and introduction.

The body of your article should be concise and to the point, keep the subject and your reader in mind and don't ramble. Your article should flow easily from one point to the next.

Use bullet points/numbered lists and/or bolded subheadings to help break you copy up, and keep it interesting.

Keep your paragraphs short, and an easy read...don't try to impress the reader with your literary wit, or big words. Simple and to the point!

Remember, the body of your article is where you make the reader glad they kept reading, you deliver on your promise, and you leave them eager to follow the link to your offering, excited to find out more!

The Closing Or Article Summary

The summary or closing is where you sum it all up revisiting the main points you made in the body.

You should touch on the main benefits your article offers the reader, and how these benefits will enrich the readers lives.

You should be thinking about about your offering as well and begin leading the reader in that direction.

Your closing should be just a few sentences and should flow seamlessly into your offer in your resource box or authors bio.

The Resource Box Or Authors Bio

The resource box, or authors bio box is after the title the next most important part of your article.

This is your 'take' while the rest of your article is your 'give'. You want to 'take' the coveted click of the reader to your offering.

You can offer your articles biggest benefit...if they click-through to your offering. Or offer the answer to the most pressing question they may have on the other side of your link.

Your whole article has been leading up to this, so don't leave them hanging, tell them where to click, give the reader a clear call to action.

My Conclusion:)

Articles marketing is a very easy, and free way to get very targeted traffic to your website. You can become a known expert in your niche quickly through article writing.

There is however, one other very important aspect of writing a successful article that gets the click-through, and that is you need to write persuasively. You can persuade, convince and even compel the reader to take action, that action being a click on your offering!

For more information on writing your very best articles, pick-up a free copy of my report Persuasive Article Writing.

Want to make easy money online selling simple little reports? Click Here Now! You can do this!!

Click Here Now for the ultimate article marketing, spinning, and submission tool. Supercharge your article marketing today.

Writing Web Content - Use Persuasive Techniques - Make More Sales

Do you write for the web? Writing web content, such as: articles, blog posts, etc. in the hope of selling a product or service? Trying to get more sign-ups to your list?

Writing for the web, or writing web copy (most things you write are considered copy:) is a bit different than writing a novel or story, in that the whole reason for your piece is to entice some sort of action out of your reader.

Writing for publication online or on the web, you need to write to convince, persuade, and even compel the reader to action. The action you have placed before them!

Learning how to write for the web, and learn to be convincing with your writing and watch you CTR (click through rate) and your selling power increase.

The one most important part of a persuasive piece written for online is the title. Don't just throw up any old title, no, spend some time and do some keyword research and craft the best title you can. You want your title to grab the web surfers attention and pull them into the rest of your content. And you want your piece to show up in the serps (search engine results pages.)

Try to identify with your reader, and the problem that brought them to your written piece in the first place. Let them know you feel their pain, you have been in their shoes. You know where they are coming from.

Now tell them how your solution to the problem took all your pain away, and will take their pain away as well. You have done the research for them and found the perfect solution, and are offering it to them on a silver platter! Your product or service is just what they have been searching for...the light at the end of the tunnel, just what the doctor ordered, the answer to all of their get the picture!

Close with your call to action. This is almost as important as the title, so spend some time and craft a good call to action that will entice those click-throughs. Leave them wanting even more info from you, and tell them where they can get it...on the other side of your link. Writing for the web, write convincingly and increase your selling power!

When writing web content you owe it to yourself to learn to write persuasively. Get this right and you will get more of what you write for...clicks on your offering! 

Get your free report: Persuasive Article Writing and write less, but sell more.

Become a master persuader and make more sales, and money...Click Here.


How To Use Persuasive Writing To Sell More Of What You Are Offering

Are you an Internet Marketer? Writing online content in the hope of selling a product or service? Would you like to improve your online conversion rate, and sales? Why not use persuasive writing techniques and make more sales?

Persuasive writing techniques will help you sell more of your products and/or owe it to yourself to write persuasively!

Always start with a good keyword rich title. You want the title to pull the reader in and make them want to read what you have written. Try to put your main keyword/s in the first part of the title. (this will help your article, or post to show up in the SERPS (search engine results pages.)

Persuasive writing is nothing more than writing to convince the reader of your point of view on a topic. You present your argument in a clear and concise manner, using simple language. Don't try to impress the reader with you literary wit, or with words they may not understand.

Keep it simple and always on point!

Explain the benefits of your product or service in some detail. Explain the logic behind your solution to the readers problem. But even more importantly try to connect with your readers on an emotional level. You can do this by explaining how you have been in their have felt their pain! Tell them how your solution took that pain away, and will do the same for them.

Always close with a 'call to action'. This is where you tell the reader what to do next. Never leave them hanging... wondering what they should do! Tell them! This is after all why you wrote the piece, to entice a click on your offering, leave no doubt as to how they can accomplish this.

Persuasive writing is sure to give you more of what you write online content for... that coveted click on your link.

For more information on using persuasive writing as a marketing technique? Get your free copy of my report: Writing Persuasive Articles.

Click Here to view another article I wrote on persuasive writing.

Follow this link to get the 418 page classic How To Become A Master Persuader.


Make More Money Writing - How To Persuade Your Readers To Take Action

When you write something online what do you write for? Just to tell your readers a story, how your day went?

If you're anything like me when you write an article for online publication you want just one thing to happen...the reader to perform some kind of action. More action = more money from your writing!

This maybe a sale, a sign-up for your newsletter, or a visit to your website.

Regardless of what action you hope your reader will perform, if you write persuasively you'll get more readers to take that action. Write with persuasion and watch your CTR (click through rate) go up.

Writing persuasively is writing in a way that will appeal to the readers logic, but even more importantly appeal to his/her emotions.

WIIFM...What's In It For Me!

Readers are benefit driven...they always want to know what is in it for them. Your job as a persuasive writer is to tell them in no uncertain terms what you have for them, and how your solution is the answer they have been searching for.

A good way to start a persuasive piece is to tell a story, a story of how you have been in their shoes, you know how they can identify, you can feel their pain!

You could tell them how as you suffered just as they are you were able to see a light at the end of the tunnel, you found the solution...and that solution ended your pain, and will end their pain as well. The solution is of course you're offering.

When writing a persuasive article you should keep your writing clean, crisp, and free of any unneeded words or 'fluff'.

Your written words have power, the power to persuade, convince, and even compel your reader to take action.

Look at most any online sales page, or squeeze page to see most if not every persuasive technique used.

Although an article shouldn't attempt to be quite that persuasive, you still want to influence the readers, and get them to take action. The trick is to leave them wanting, or better still...needed to learn more about whatever you are offering them.

Writing persuasively is an art, but it is an art that is easy to learn and implement. Learn to write to persuade, convince, and compel your readers to take action...and watch your CTR go up!

Having articles with over a 50% CTR I feel qualified to help you get more of the action you desire as well.

Pick up your copy of the free report Writing Persuasively and let me help you get more leads, more sales...more action!

Want to make quick money online? Get your copy of the free report How To Make Money Writing Simple Little Reports.


Powerful Persuasive Words And Examples - Write Better Copy

When writing online content in the hope of persuading the reader to take action, you need to learn to write persuasively. Use these powerful persuasive words, and examples to write better sales copy that get the click.

When writing a persuasive piece, there are certain words that will help you achieve your goal much easier. I call these words The Power Words. Why? Because words have power, the power to persuade, the power to convince, even the power to compel your reader to take action!

When writing persuasively you want to concentrate on the benefits of the offer you are promoting. Use the power words to appeal to the readers logic, and even better still his/her emotions. Do this right and you may very well have a sale! Selling will become easier and easier!

Here are a few examples of persuasive writing:

Which sentence is more likely to persuade the reader to take action?
If you would like more information on persuasive writing click here.'
'Click Here for brand new, killer persuasive writing tips and tricks that will turn your articles into selling machines! Watch your CTR go through the roof!'

See the difference? Know which sentence will get more clicks on your offering?

Here are the top 10 power words that will take your copy-writing to the next level:
1. New
2. Free
3. Best
4. Easy
5. Save
6. Guarantee
7. Proven
8. Money
9. Safe
10. Save
11. You
12. Now
13. Improved
14. Your
15. Who
16. Want
17. Why
18. Now
19. Hurry
20. Latest

Sorry, I know I said there would be only be 10 power words, but there are just so many good persuasive power words out there I just couldn't control myself:)

Start constantly using these words as you write your copy and see if your conversions increase.

Your writing should always flow, never seem forced. These words have power, the power to transform your reader, from a "tire-kicker" into a buyer.

When you perfect the art of persuasive writing, you won't be writing just to tell anymore, you'll be writing to sell! After all, if your anything like me...selling what it's all about!

For more persuasive writing tips, get your free report How To Write A Persuasive Article and take your copywriting to the next level!

Persuasive Writing Techniques Convince The Reader To Take Action

Why Use Persuasive Writing Techniques? Well, as Internet Marketers we need to practice the power of persuasion in just about everything we write. When you write something, whether it's an article, blog post; or of course, a sales letter, squeeze page,  persuasive email, etc.  you really owe it to yourself to write employing persuasive techniques. These persuasion techniques can be literally hypnotic when used properly!

You may be surprised at what writing using the power of persuasion can do for your click through rate! And, after all, that's why most of us write in the first entice clicks!

So, what is  persuasive writing?  Simply taking a stand with your writing,  presenting a clear, and concise argument for, or against your persuasive writing topic and convincing the reader to believe or do something.

Internet Marketers use persuasive writing techniques to get their readers to buy their product or service.

This writing technique is also used in writing essays, persuasive writing prompts, as well as other types of writing, to convince the reader to accept your argument or point of view. Students writing assignments commonly include writing persuasively in order to promote critical thinking skills.

When writing with persuasiveness you don't want to rely on opinion, you need to do your research, and present facts and examples to back up your argument. You want your reader to come to one, and only one conclusion...the conclusion you put forth in your persuasive piece, your example of persuasive writing.

How To Implement Persuasive Writing Techniques

In this post, I'll be looking at how to implement persuasive writing techniques from an Internet Marketing point of view. Show how by writing with persuasion you can induce more clicks on your links, more sales, more leads, and the best part, make more money.

Persuade With Reasons And Repetition

Studies have shown that people are more likely to comply, if you just give them a reason to! Think about it...people do things for a reason,  give them good reasons to do what you want them to do.
Repetition is critical in persuasive writing. Argue your point from many different angles, always arriving at the same conclusion...your's! You should: state your position plainly and clearly, use examples, use statistics, tell a story, quote a famous person or authority, give convincing evidence that your position is the right position to take.

Be Consistent

Consistency in your thoughts and actions (and writing) is associated with believability, rational behavior, and integrity. Inconsistency in your writing can be associated with insecurity, and instability.
When writing persuasively you always want to come off as a consistent authority figure who is in control, influential,  and can present a strong, believable argument to prove your case.

Provide Social Proof Of Your Argument

By showing others agree with your stance, you can go along way toward proving your point. People look for guidance from others as to what to do or what to accept. This can be felt on an emotional level and can be powerful indeed! Just look at how many testimonials you see on sales pages. Social proof others have liked your product or service.

Use Comparisons As A Persuasive Technique

Using metaphors, similes, and analogies are very common persuasive writing techniques. Why? Because they allow you to compare your conclusion to something the reader may already accept as true, which make your argument easier to accept.
For instance, you could compare the cost of your eBook to the cost of live coaching, or what your eBook is really worth. ( a tactic used all the time!)

Feel Their Pain!

This is a persuasive technique works well, and that's why is used so often. You identify with the problem your solution will be solving a little later in your piece. You know how they feel. You've been there and done that yourself, and here is what you found to take the pain away! Your solution's credibility goes way up if you can demonstrate to your prospect that you truly can identify with their problem.

Persuade With Prognostication

Give your reader a glimpse into the future...a future where your solution to their problem is timely and optimal. You will need to have a firm grasp of the subject matter, and have credibility in the eyes of your reader. This can be a very powerful persuasive writing technique.

Make Them Belong!

Make your reader feel like they belong to a group they want to belong to and you can have them eating out of your hand. The more exclusionary the group, the better this technique can work.

Address Any Objections

Try to address all potential objections most people might have in your persuasive writing piece. This is one reason sales pages are sooo long. They want to cover any and all objections to their product or sevice (in a positive way of course), as well as all the benefits of course.

Concentrate On Wants, Needs, And Desires

Your product or service should fill a want, need, or desire of the reader. Remember, features tell, while benefits sell. Concentrate on the benefits your solution will provide. Get this right and you can make money every time you write!

Tell Readers Exactly What They Need To Do!

Don't leave your readers scratching their head, wondering just what they should do next! Tell them! Click here, or visit this site, buy this product now, you get the picture! At the end of your persuasively written piece leave them with an easily discernible call to action...don't ever leave them hanging!

More Persuasive Writing Techniques - Get Your Free Report Today

Become expert at persuasive writing techniques and you can get the most out of your readers.  Why leave money on the table? Pick up your copy of my free report: How To Write Persuasive Articles for persuasive writing examples that leave nothing to can convince, persuade, and even compel your readers to take action, and watch your CTR go up!

Persuasive Article Writing - Persuade, Convince, And Compel The Reader To Action

Writing persuasively is an art, and if you write online content in hopes of selling a product or service, you need to master this art! Article, blog post, email, regardless of what you're writing online, writing persuasively will help you get more click throughs... it's as simple as that.

Writing content is one thing all Internet Marketers do, and we can all improve our copy. Your words need to persuade, convince, and even compel your readers to take you up on whatever it is you're offering.

When writing a persuasive article you need to present a clear concise argument, using logic and psychology, and lead your reader to one conclusion...clicking through your link.

Writing persuasively connects with your readers on a logical, and even more importantly, an emotional level.
When writing a persuasive article you should focus on your reader, his/her wants and needs (the emotional level.) Using easy to understand words convince your reader of the benefits of the action you want them to take,and that by taking the desired action their problems will be solved, or their lives will be enriched.

Don't try to write to impress, or try to dazzle your readers with your great literary talents, keep it simple and easy to understand.

Remember, words have power! Words can influence how people think, feel, and behave. Learn to write persuasive copy and you will influence your readers behavior, leading to your desired result, a click through to your offer.

Why does persuasive writing work? Because people in general are benefit driven...their main concern is always, what's in this for me! Your job, as an Internet Marketer is to convince your readers that your offering will solve their problem, or make their lives better.

By writing persuasive content you'll be using time-tested copy-writing methods that are sure to get you more click-throughs, and more leads.

We all have to write with one goal in mind (getting the reader to take some action), your writing should be the best it can be at achieving that goal!

For more information on persuasive writing, pick up your copy of my free report Persuasive Article Writing and turn your readers into customers.

For more info read my post:  Persuasive Writing - Persuasive Writing Techniques

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