
Write To Persuade

Persuade With Reasons And Repetition

Studies have shown that people are more likely to comply,if you just give them a reason to!Think about it…people do things for a reason, give them good reasons to do what you want them to do.

Repetition is critical in persuasive writing. Argue your point from many different angles, always arriving at the same conclusion…your’s! You should: state your position plainly and clearly, use examples, use statistics, tell a story, quote a famous person or authority, give convincing evidence that your position is the right position to take.

Be Consistent

Consistency in your thoughts and actions (and writing) is associated with believability, rational behavior, and integrity. Inconsistency in your writing can be associated with insecurity, and instability.
When writing persuasively ou always want to come off as a consistent authority figure who is in control, influential, and can present a strong, believable argument to prove your case.

Provide Social Proof Of Your Argument

By showing others agree with your stance, you can go along way toward proving your point. People look for guidance from others as to what to do or what to accept. This can be felt on an emotional level and can be powerful indeed! Just look at how many testimonials you see on sales pages. Social proof others have liked your product or service.

Use Comparisons As A Persuasive Technique

Using metaphors, similes, and analogies are very common persuasive writing techniques. Why? Because they allow you to compare your conclusion to something the reader may already accept as true, which make your argument easier to accept.
For instance, you could compare the cost of your eBook to the cost of live coaching, or what your eBook is really worth. ( a tactic used all the time!)

Feel Their Pain!

This is a persuasive technique works well, and that’s why is used so often. You identify with the problem your solution will be solving a little later in your piece. You know how they feel. You’ve been there and done that yourself, and here is what you found to take the pain away! Your solution’s credibility goes way up if you can demonstrate to your prospect that you truly can identify with their problem.

For more information on writing with persuasion, visit How To Write Persuasive Articles.

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