
Persuasive Writing Techniques For Skyrocketing Sales

If your online in the hopes of creating sales, you need to write with persuasion. Using persuasive writing techniques you can skyrocket your sales.

The best way to learn persuasion is to put yourself in the shoes of someone in an emergency. Say, a hostage negotiator. His job is to persuade the criminal to leave the hostages unscathed and at the same time get him to surrender without use of arms, if possible.

Sound challenging enough?

Well there's a streamlined sequence of persuasive writing techniques at play in this scenario. And you can use these techniques in your online sales. There are 6 of them and I'll give you a clever little acronym to remember them: C-A-M-E-R-A. You either use all these in that exact sequence or each separately.

The first 2 break resistance. The next 2 bend the thinking of the prospect to favor you. The last 2 make the case for you and lead to the sale.

#1 : C = Capture and intrigue

State the most impossible fact regarding your product. Go 180 degrees opposite of what it accomplishes and yell it with pride. Put a comically high price on it too. If a criminal is told to kill all and join in for tea/coffee, he's forced to think something's fishy and his mind is baffled. Consumers love being intrigued (not confused), contrary to popular belief.

#2 : A = Allow false proof

After getting attention, you can further the game by presenting a testimonial for the wrong result. Eg: A lady saying - "After taking these pills, I have finally got the fat physique I always wanted. I can now rest assured that I will definitely suffer from diabetes, high LDL and blood pressure soon! Thank you so much!"

This puts the consumer in a receptive state psychologically. They now WANT to believe that you're NOT serious about the wrong result! And they're more inclined to listen to your clarification after this.

#3 : M = Mind split

This is a simple technique after the false proof. You have to tell the prospect that most in the market are waiting for the wrong result to happen to them. The reason - the worse your state gets, the easier it gets to make you buy the emergency exit. Eg: Competitors provide hazardous pills that actually make you fat and then sell you a different brand that solves your problem but at an insane price. Same way the food and medicine industry operates.

Yes, this one is sneaky. But you have to act on it before your peer marketers do. And it's something being used since very very old days. Because it succeeds in splitting you apart from the rest in the consumer's head and does it effectively!

#4 : E = Exclusivity

This one's a killer. Here, you sympathize with the emotions of the consumer and show them what you'd do by stepping into their shows. Share personal stories here. And promise them that they'd get what they're after. They WILL HAVE their difficulties solved while those who ignore wait in the graveyard of sadness due to a persisting problem.

It is key here not to scare the consumer or threaten them to favor you. Instead, show them in positive light and the "others" losing away.

#5 : R = Recovery testimonial

Used when the prospect is in a state of believing you. This technique pulls the conversation towards a conclusion. Here, you drive the persuasion to trustworthy results you have delivered in the past.

The other option is to highlight the work that has been done in creating the product which leads to a result the consumer desires. It paints the image of hard work done by you in creating it and shows that what you are selling a multifaceted product which is leaps and bounds ahead of what others have on the shelf!

#6 : A = Assume the sale

This is THE WAY to close a sale! You never ever ask for a sale because that raises all resistance on the planet. It's like selling a girl on the lifetime plan on the prom night. No, instead you go ahead and ask for the coffee date or some small safe meet-up. That way, you don't  mess up the persuasion you have instilled in the prospect so far. So instead of saying - "Should I place your order?", you assume the sale and ask - "Okay. What color would you like? Red or blue?"

Put these persuasive writing techniques to work for you, and watch your sales, and income increase.

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