
Persuasive Writing Should End In Sales

Be it the online business environment or offline commerce, persuasive writing is of utmost importance to get the money flowing in. And to get good at persuasion, write as if you have only one shot to prove yourself to the customer, or you lose everything (it's actually true most of the time.)

It is all about one thing - persuade or starve.

Because writing that doesn't persuade doesn't sell. And what doesn't sell is one more step towards an empty bank account.

A true persuader knows there is NO ROOM for creative writing that confuses the prospect. And even lesser scope for metaphors and puns as they leave your customer to figure out and complete what you said.

I do understand that anyone reading this might be throwing up and saying - "Well then if there's no creativity or art in the writing, people won't enjoy it or value it. And they definitely won't want to read further."

This is true for novels and poems in the English class, but a place where you must persuade has opposite rules at play.

Reality = People are ENTERTAINED by creativity, BUT NOT PERSUADED.

This is the reason why most attempts to pull off online businesses fail badly. Entrepreneurs get tricked into trying to be unique special attractions, when in fact they need to write and act like the common person who understands exactly what a prospect wants.

Here are some friendly tips on writing with persuasion.


Be clear and concise. Use simple language. You must seek to meet the reader's needs, not what you or I would want. Covering all objections to the sale is vital. Hold interest in what you talk about, but tease their desire.

At the end of your writing, have a call to action - the next step they need to take. Explain if you need to. They'll be happy to know.


Now that's a big one. Writing with intent to sell is more effective than writing great literature that drains your efforts. The response to a persuasive article will always be - "Hey! I want this!" and not "Oh, that's a cool article."

You see my friend, every statement that you write must pass the "I DON'T CARE" test. Whenever a reader says "I don't care", they leave your blog. If what you want from the article is clear along with the fact that you have a surefire solution, they'll always care!


If your prospect is a certain type of person, you must know how to communicate in their language. And by language I mean the feelings they understand, not the words used. If you're selling diet pills, talk to obese people. If you sell economical appliances, talk to maids and clerks.

Find their worries, emotions, fears, hopes and dreams. Then come back and use it in your writing. It'll be razor sharp and free of any reason that could possibly get it rejected.

In the end, a saying for you - "A persuasive letter can sell a non-existent product. A useless one can't sell free gold."


Persuasive Writing Techniques For Skyrocketing Sales

If your online in the hopes of creating sales, you need to write with persuasion. Using persuasive writing techniques you can skyrocket your sales.

The best way to learn persuasion is to put yourself in the shoes of someone in an emergency. Say, a hostage negotiator. His job is to persuade the criminal to leave the hostages unscathed and at the same time get him to surrender without use of arms, if possible.

Sound challenging enough?

Well there's a streamlined sequence of persuasive writing techniques at play in this scenario. And you can use these techniques in your online sales. There are 6 of them and I'll give you a clever little acronym to remember them: C-A-M-E-R-A. You either use all these in that exact sequence or each separately.

The first 2 break resistance. The next 2 bend the thinking of the prospect to favor you. The last 2 make the case for you and lead to the sale.

#1 : C = Capture and intrigue

State the most impossible fact regarding your product. Go 180 degrees opposite of what it accomplishes and yell it with pride. Put a comically high price on it too. If a criminal is told to kill all and join in for tea/coffee, he's forced to think something's fishy and his mind is baffled. Consumers love being intrigued (not confused), contrary to popular belief.

#2 : A = Allow false proof

After getting attention, you can further the game by presenting a testimonial for the wrong result. Eg: A lady saying - "After taking these pills, I have finally got the fat physique I always wanted. I can now rest assured that I will definitely suffer from diabetes, high LDL and blood pressure soon! Thank you so much!"

This puts the consumer in a receptive state psychologically. They now WANT to believe that you're NOT serious about the wrong result! And they're more inclined to listen to your clarification after this.

#3 : M = Mind split

This is a simple technique after the false proof. You have to tell the prospect that most in the market are waiting for the wrong result to happen to them. The reason - the worse your state gets, the easier it gets to make you buy the emergency exit. Eg: Competitors provide hazardous pills that actually make you fat and then sell you a different brand that solves your problem but at an insane price. Same way the food and medicine industry operates.

Yes, this one is sneaky. But you have to act on it before your peer marketers do. And it's something being used since very very old days. Because it succeeds in splitting you apart from the rest in the consumer's head and does it effectively!

#4 : E = Exclusivity

This one's a killer. Here, you sympathize with the emotions of the consumer and show them what you'd do by stepping into their shows. Share personal stories here. And promise them that they'd get what they're after. They WILL HAVE their difficulties solved while those who ignore wait in the graveyard of sadness due to a persisting problem.

It is key here not to scare the consumer or threaten them to favor you. Instead, show them in positive light and the "others" losing away.

#5 : R = Recovery testimonial

Used when the prospect is in a state of believing you. This technique pulls the conversation towards a conclusion. Here, you drive the persuasion to trustworthy results you have delivered in the past.

The other option is to highlight the work that has been done in creating the product which leads to a result the consumer desires. It paints the image of hard work done by you in creating it and shows that what you are selling a multifaceted product which is leaps and bounds ahead of what others have on the shelf!

#6 : A = Assume the sale

This is THE WAY to close a sale! You never ever ask for a sale because that raises all resistance on the planet. It's like selling a girl on the lifetime plan on the prom night. No, instead you go ahead and ask for the coffee date or some small safe meet-up. That way, you don't  mess up the persuasion you have instilled in the prospect so far. So instead of saying - "Should I place your order?", you assume the sale and ask - "Okay. What color would you like? Red or blue?"

Put these persuasive writing techniques to work for you, and watch your sales, and income increase.


Write To Persuade

Persuade With Reasons And Repetition

Studies have shown that people are more likely to comply,if you just give them a reason to!Think about it…people do things for a reason, give them good reasons to do what you want them to do.

Repetition is critical in persuasive writing. Argue your point from many different angles, always arriving at the same conclusion…your’s! You should: state your position plainly and clearly, use examples, use statistics, tell a story, quote a famous person or authority, give convincing evidence that your position is the right position to take.

Be Consistent

Consistency in your thoughts and actions (and writing) is associated with believability, rational behavior, and integrity. Inconsistency in your writing can be associated with insecurity, and instability.
When writing persuasively ou always want to come off as a consistent authority figure who is in control, influential, and can present a strong, believable argument to prove your case.

Provide Social Proof Of Your Argument

By showing others agree with your stance, you can go along way toward proving your point. People look for guidance from others as to what to do or what to accept. This can be felt on an emotional level and can be powerful indeed! Just look at how many testimonials you see on sales pages. Social proof others have liked your product or service.

Use Comparisons As A Persuasive Technique

Using metaphors, similes, and analogies are very common persuasive writing techniques. Why? Because they allow you to compare your conclusion to something the reader may already accept as true, which make your argument easier to accept.
For instance, you could compare the cost of your eBook to the cost of live coaching, or what your eBook is really worth. ( a tactic used all the time!)

Feel Their Pain!

This is a persuasive technique works well, and that’s why is used so often. You identify with the problem your solution will be solving a little later in your piece. You know how they feel. You’ve been there and done that yourself, and here is what you found to take the pain away! Your solution’s credibility goes way up if you can demonstrate to your prospect that you truly can identify with their problem.

For more information on writing with persuasion, visit How To Write Persuasive Articles.

How To Write A Persuasive Article

I'm writing this article about persuasive writing arguments from an Internet Marketing point of view. In order to entice the coveted clicks from your readers it behoves you to use persuasive writing techniques. These techniques can turn a reader into a customer (and it's a beautiful thing!)
You want to present your argument or position in a clear, concise manner. You should look at the argument from both sides. Explaining the logic and the benefits of your side of the argument. Finally convincing the reader that your conclusion is the only logical conclusion.
Use simple to understand words, don't try to dazzle the reader with your wit, or great literary talents, keep it simple and stay on subject.
People in general are benefit driven (what's in it for ME!) so expound the benefits of your conclusion, and how clicking your link will bring all these benefits to the reader.
Pick up your free copy of the report How To Write A Persuasive Article and learn to write persuasively and leave nothing on the table. Generate a higher CTR (click through rate.) Sell more products and make more money...simple as that!