
How To Write Persuasive Articles - Write To Sell Not Just To Tell

When you write for online publication, whether it's how to blog, or writing a persuasive articles, you should have one thing in mind...writing good copy in order to sell a product or service, or get the reader to click through to a squeeze page...get your reader to perform some kind of action.

When writing persuasive articles with the hope of getting the reader to take action, you want your words to persuade, convince, and compel, you want your words to sell. Always keep the real reason you're writing your piece in mind...

Write To Sell, Not Just To Tell!

You need to connect with the reader, using logic, and better yet, on an emotional level. Always expound on the benefits of the action you want the reader to perform...

Features Tell...Benefits Sell!

All of your readers will have one thing in common...and that is WIIFM!

Ok, what does that mean? Simply put, people in general are very self-centered and they are really only concerned about one thing...'What Is In It For Me!'

Your really missing the boat if you don't tell them in no uncertain terms exactly what is in it for them!

I structure a persuasive piece like this:

1. The headline-use keywords that will get your article found and read.

2. The claim-talk about the readers problem, and what you can do to solve it.

3. The benefits-tell about all the benefits of your solution.

4. The reason why-tell why your solution is the best one they are likely to find.

5. The proof-give proof why your solution is the best one.

6. The call to action-never leave the reader hanging...always give a clear call to action - tell the reader what she should do next!

Learning to write with persuasion is an art, but it's an art that is easily learned! Learn to write persuasively and sell more of what you're offering.

Want to sell more? Get your copy of the free report How To Write Persuasive Articles and watch your readers take action!

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